Includes: 1 Zipline harness, 1 Zipline pro pulley, 1 70cm(~27 1/2 inches) lanyard, 1 80cm(~33 1/2 inches) Y safety lanyard, and 3 auto locking carabiners.
Lanyards attach with a simple larks head hitch to the harness. They are also double stitched with plastic covering. Lanyard minimum breaking strength is 3375 lbs (15kn) on each leg.
The carabiner is designed for single handed use and easy manipulation when passing intermediate anchors. The keylock system prevents unexpected snagging. The included new for 2017 Petzl Trac Plus zipline pulley has a double row of ball bearings which ensures that it will last longer. The simple design ensure easy manipulation and lowers the risk of pinched fingers.
This harness fits most sizes as the leg straps are adjustable and color coded. Waist size:23 1/2" inch to 43 1/4" inch. Leg loop size to:29 1/2" inches. It has protective tubing to reduce abrasions narrow and loops for use with the zip line pulleys.
Zipline pulley cable diameter: 9-13mm. Can also be used with rope.